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Spring Fundraiser 2024!

Saturday, April 6, 2024 27 Adar II 5784

7:00 PM


Spring Fundraiser 2024

Join us at our annual Spring fundraiser honoring Ira and Randi Shinske. Break out your favorite jersey, your beer pong skills and your basketball spirit. Enjoy dinner, open bar, tricky trays, raffles and the NCAA games. 


Sponsorship brings your support to the next level and is critical to our ongoing programming. 

Follow this link to register as an event sponsor or contact the office.

Otherwise, complete the form below to get tickets, ads, and raffle entries!

Your Information

Correspondence regarding your ad journal purchase (including your receipt) will be directed to this email address.

Purchase Event Tickets

Event tickets are not required to participate in the 50/50 raffle or to place an ad
To purchase more than 6 tickets please contact the Temple Office

Purchase 50/50 Raffle Tickets

   1 Raffle Ticket - $50
   3 Raffle Tickets - $100

Auction Donations

If you are interested in donating an item or service to put up for auction at the event, please use this form and email it to

Ad Journal - Donations

Donations to the Spring Fundraiser receive an ad in the ad journal. This year's event honors Randi and Ira Shinske for their tireless, exemplary support of TBR over the past two decades.

Ads can reference the Shinskes or contain any message you wish to convey.

Ads for the event will be displayed on television screens during the festivities. A PDF package of the ads will be shared on the website after the event, ensuring that ads are viewable for some time after.
For sponsorship opportunity packages, please email or call us at (201) 891-4466

Ad Copy

Provide us with text and we will fit your message into a themed ad for the event.

If you prefer to contribute your own unique artwork, please send an HD (1920x1080) JPG or PNG to
Please try to limit your message to 10-20 words for legibility.
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